Manage all your schools iPads and mobile devices from one place

by | Oct 25, 2022 | Latest News

Manage all your schools iPads and mobile devices from one place

…..with NYES Digital’s Mobile Device Management Service

The benefit of using a mobile device management solution means that you are in complete control of what resources a student can see and access.  Screens can be fully customised to support different learners and display the apps you want the student to use and even place them on screen in a position you choose.  The settings can be loaded to all devices in one go – no more having to update each individual device or wait for your school technician’s visit before new versions are installed.

How can Mobile Device Management help me?

In Supporting Lessons

  • Ensure all devices in a class have the resources needed to support lessons. This could be apps, or access to approved websites.
  • Lock down the devices so no additional material can be added or accidentally deleted.
  • Fix the position of apps on the screen so all students have the same view. This helps when explaining where to find information.

In Safeguarding Students

  • Web filtering – when connected to the schools internet all filtering is taken care of by your Smoothwall UTM.
  • Off-site web filtering – when the student is connected to the internet at home or through a public WiFi you can still block access to certain websites. Logs can be viewed to see what has been accessed.

In Managing Devices

  • Know the status of all your devices at any one time for example how much battery life is left, when the device was last used.
  • Install or update an application on a single device, group of devices or all devices.
  • Content is locked down so nothing can be modified meaning no resetting is necessary.
  • Customise settings for example disable the camera on devices or block purchasing.
  • Set user profiles such as admin or teacher for managing the dashboard.
  • Customise groups of devices within schools for classes, group work or individual work. For example into Key Stage levels, SEN sets or class sets.

In Location Tracking

  • Know where your devices are located at any one time.
  • Set a perimeter and notify if the mobile device leaves the premises.
  • Notify when the device returns to the premises.

Developed by Mobile Guardian the mobile device management solutions offers you control of all mobile devices through a web based dashboard that can be accessed at any time, from anywhere when needed.  The dashboard lets you manage apps, deploy content, monitor device health, locate devices and manage access to certain website to help safeguard students.

The freedom mobile devices offer students has been embraced by modern schools.  Students move seamlessly from classroom to classroom, continue learning off site and use their devices at home or on holiday.  NYES Digital’s Mobile Device Management solution has been chosen to create and monitor a safe and secure digital environment for students during their digital learning journey.

How can NYES Digital help you?

NYES Digital will install Mobile Guardian on all devices and set the permission levels for different users.

Training is given to enable you to confidently use the full range of features.

Our simple teacher guide is a quick reference tool which leads you through the process of purchasing, installing and deleting apps.

For Software and Infrastructure SLA customers the NYES Digital help desk support is included for Mobile Guardian.  They can help with settings, updates and trouble shooting.  The benefit of making a request through the Help Desk is that the support can be completed immediately without the schools waiting for an onsite visit so saving time and improving the level of support.

Schools technicians can also access the dashboard and deal with any other requests as part of their scheduled visits.

How much does it cost?

The cost is based on an annual licence fee and one-off installation charge.

A licence costs £6 per device. A 3-year discounted license is also available.

Installation and configuration of the dashboard is a one-off charge of £180.

Connection and setting up of the first batch of devices is dependent on the number of devices.

NYES Digital will be happy to provide an estimate of cost for installation, just call our help desk on 01609 53 6086 to speak to our Development Team.

Software & Infrastructure SLA customers access unlimited Help Desk support which includes Mobile Guardian support.

Contact NYES Digital for further information

For more information about how Mobile Device Management could help your school contact the NYES Digital Development Team on:

01609 53 6086

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